hypnosis helps

to see your world differently
free your body & mind

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Hi I'm Keri and I'm excited to get to know you. I've been a practicing hypnotist for close to 20 years and have been astounded at the lasting positive changes it can effect in people's lives in such short time.

Consider your mind to be like a glacier. The conscious mind represents the very tip of the iceberg. It controls our logical mind, every day living and functions. It's very analytical, critical and certainly crucial to the overall processing of life itself; however, many times it can cause us to 'get stuck in our own head' despite only representing less than 10% of the actual mind.

The subconscious mind represents the remaining 90% of the glacier under the surface. It is the greater, more emotional mind that drives our behavior and underlying beliefs as to how the world works and our place in it. The subconscious controls and initiates every major system in the body and stores memories from our childhood.

Hypnosis allows us to tap into the powerhouse of our subconscious minds. Your subconscious is what is running the show in your life despite your not even being aware of it. Think about mindless reactions you have to situations in your life: Sweaty palms and anxiety when boarding an airplane, lighting a cigarette after a meal, snacking every afternoon even though you're not hungry. Your conscious mind does not think about these actions or reactions, they seem to just automatically happen.

In hypnosis we'll use deep relaxation and focusing exercises to calm and subdue the conscious mind so that it takes a less active role in your thinking process. In this state, you're still aware of what's going on, but your conscious mind takes a backseat to your subconscious. Effectively, this allows us to work directly with the subconscious. It's akin to opening a control panel inside your brain; making you the master of your own universe and fully directing your life experience.

  • 476 Storrs Road, Mansfield Center, CT, USA
  • Common Fields Building - back entrance, 1st floor

I'm not accepting new clients until August but feel free to reach out to join my waiting list. Please text 8602220964 after you've sent a message. Sometimes this form is delayed.


will hypnosis make me do something I don't want to?

All hypnosis is self guided. You cannot be forced to do something outside of your will. Any and all suggestions are prompted by you. You will not divulge and secrets or do anything you are not normally willing to do.

what is hypnosis?

Simply put, hypnosis is a state of highly focused attention or concentration, sometimes associated with relaxation and heightened intuition. During our sessions you will be gently guided to higher and clearer thinking capabilities that will give you the ah-ha moments and motivation to do whatever is you need or want to do, or possibly stop doing the things you currently can’t seem to control.

How can hypnosis help me?

Hypnosis has great success in helping to alleviate
- stress
- bad habits (over eating, smoking)
- phobias
- limiting beliefs
- trouble sleeping
- anxious feelings

Are you sure I can be hypnotized?

The vast majority of people can. In fact if you've ever been immersed in a film and found yourself startled by a scary part or laughing during a funny part then you've been hypnotized. During hypnosis you will simply be focusing your attention and allowing yourself to suspend conscience beliefs and ideas. You will get a taster of hypnosis during your initial consultation. If you are not a candidate then your consultation fee will be refunded. 

Can I get stuck in hypnosis?

Absolutely not. Hypnosis is a natural and altered state of mind that can be terminated as easily as opening one's eyes. You will always be in complete control during the sesssion. 

How many sessions will I need?

In some cases one or two session will be sufficient. For other cases between four to six sessions will be needed. Clients may eventually opt to come back in for 'top up sessions' as needed or wanted.